Thursday, February 13, 2014

Jewish Hospital at Home in Iran

-        Many were surprised last week when the President Hassan Rouhani donated $400,000 to the Dr. Sapir Hospital
-        We Jews are a part of Iran’s history. What is important is that Mr. Rouhani makes big news out of supporting us. He is showing that we as a religious minority are part of this country too. – Dr. Morsadegh
-        They might have a different religion but they are fellow Iranians. I do not see why I should not go to the Jewish hospital. – A Muslim Student
-        The hospital started out as a clinic where all Iranians could come for medical care at vastly reduced rates.
-        For more than 50 years it has been a meeting point for Iranian Jews and Muslims and the most prominent Jewish charity in the capital
-        About 96% of patients are Muslim, like most of the hospital’s employees. But what mattered most was the message that here all people can come, no matter what religion color or race
-        Religious minorities – Jews, Christian Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Zoroastrians

-        Dr. Morsadegh said former President Mhmoud Ahmadinejad’s repeated Holocaust denials left physiological scars as well. Look all Jews believe in the Holocaust, It would have been much better if the former president had not raised that issue.

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