Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Palestinian Leader Says He Can Accept Israeli Military in West Bank for 3 Years

-          President Mahmoud Abbas (Palestinian Authority) said he is willing to accept an Israeli military presence in the West Bank for a three-year transition period as part of a peace deal
-          Israel has said it can only depend on its own soldiers not international force
-          Palestinian officials have said they could not tolerate a single Israeli soldier but do acknowledge the requirement for a transition period
-          Palestine says that a transition period would not exceed three years during which  Israel will withdraw gradually, but willing to allow a third party to take Israel’s place (NATO was suggested) to soothe our concerns and Israel’s
-          Many Israeli leaders and outside analysts have questioned whether the Palestinian President is strong enough to deliver a peace deal
-          Mr. Abbas said creating a Palestinian state roughly along the 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital would be an acceptable lasting and legitimate solution, he also said Hamas had signed an agreement with him supporting the negotiations process and is not a problem.

-          Under the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, Israel could earn recognition and diplomatic relations with 57 Arab and Muslim countries if it resolved the Palestinian conflict

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